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Electricity purchasing


Submit an Application-Declaration to any EVN office


You will receive a Purchase Contract and Appendices (No.1, No.2No.3 and No.4) along with instructions for completing them by e-mail.


You will then receive the final version of the contract to be signed.

As an end supplier, EVN Elektrosnabdiavane is legally obliged to purchase the electricity generated by RES producers whose facilities have been constructed in accordance with Art. 24, item 1 of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (RESA) and which are connected to EP Yug’s grid.

How is an electricity purchase contract prepared?

ConditionsBy law, EVN Elektrosnabdiavane purchases energy from RES producers under the following conditions:
  1. at feed-in tariff - for those electricity volumes up to the volume of the specified net electricity generation, on which basis feed-in tariffs in the relevant EWRC's decisions has been set;
  2. at price for surplus in the balancing market for amounts exceeding the generation under item 1.
  3. the quantities under items 1 and 2 shall be reduced by the quantities which the producers use for their own needs to supply their branches, enterprises and facilities and which they sell at freely negotiated prices under the provisions of Chapter 9, Section VII of the Energy Act and/or in the balancing market.
Terms and pricesContracts shall be entered into for a period dependent on the source of generation:
  1. geothermal, solar energy and biomass - 20 years;
  2. wind energy - 12 years;
  3. HPP with installed capacity of up to 10 MW and other renewable sources - 15 years.
The prices set in the Electricity Purchase Contract are determined by the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) and published on its website

Methods of payment

When a contract is entered into, EVN Elektrosnabdiavane will make regular payments to each RES producer via a bank transfer to a bank account specified by the producer. Payment is made within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the receipt of an issued invoice or "Protocol for purchase by a natural person" and an accompanying signed protocol for electricity produced by the respective facility of the producer.
If you do not use an electronic signature, please send the original invoices and accompanying signed protocols on paper to:
Energy Procurement Department
EVN Bulgaria Elektrosnabdiavane EAD
Ulitsa Hristo G. Danov, 37, 4000, Plovdiv

Energy sales at freely negotiated prices

Pursuant to amendments to RESA of 24.07.2015, RES producers may also sell those volumes of electricity which exceed the specified net production volume at freely negotiated prices. Information on this topic is published on the website of the grid company.

Balancing market for electricity

EVN Elektrosnabdiavane fulfils its regulatory obligation to be a coordinator of a special balancing group, which includes all RES producers whose generating capacities are connected to the electricity distribution grid of Elektrorazpredelenie Yug and have not selected another balancing group coordinator.

Obligations and responsibilities

RELATIONSHIPSRelationships between the members of the special balancing group of EVN Elektrosnabdiavane and the company, as its coordinator, are regulated by a contract (download contract template). EVN Elektrosnabdiavane reserves the right to set off receivables pursuant to Art. 104 of the Law on Obligations and Contracts.


Producers have the opportunity to choose between:

  • being part of the group with producers whose common schedule is prepared by EVN Elektrosnabdiavane
  • submitting their own production schedule to EVN Elektrosnabdiavane.

EVN Elektrosnabdiavane:

  • prepares and aggregates a production schedule of the members
  • registers the schedule of the group in the Electricity System Operator
  • submits informative schedule of the group to the National Electricity Company (NEK)
  • settles the imbalances of the group with NEK, as it participates with it as a direct member in the balancing group of NEK. This is done according to the methodology of NEK as a public provider
  • distributes the group imbalance among the members of the group in accordance with the principles approved by EWRC

Prices and payment

Imbalance costs are determined on the basis of the value of the difference between the requested volume of energy for production according to the schedule and the actual volume of electricity produced. Imbalance costs are allocated between the members of the balancing group in accordance with the principles approved by EWRC.

The principles also determine the monthly remuneration for administration of the balancing group. See more>

The amounts due are invoiced by EVN EC on a monthly basis, and the members of the special balancing group receive an electronic invoice for them.

Change of balancing group coordinator

The procedure is administered by the electricity distribution grid operator. For RES producers connected to EP Yug’s electricity distribution grid, information is published on the website of the grid company.

Useful email addresses

For any questions about the purchasing of electricity from RES producers:
[email protected]

For any questions related to issuing or sending invoices for electricity produced:
[email protected]

For any questions related to balancing or notification/sending schedules:
[email protected]


Do I have to participate in a balancing group?

Yes, because this is in accordance with the Electricity Market Rules. Producers who have not concluded a contract for participation in a combined balancing group must become part of the special balancing group of the end supplier with whom they have a contract for the purchasing of the electricity produced by them.

Why do I have to pay for imbalances since, according to the EA and RESA, the energy shall be purchased on the basis of volumes metered?

Calculation and allocation of the costs for imbalances is performed in accordance with the principles for their allocation, laid down in the general terms and conditions of the balancing group coordinator. Electricity producers, including those who produce from renewable sources, shall pay costs to cover imbalances in the respective balancing group in which they are members only in the case of a difference in the schedules submitted by them and the actual production. Where the producer does not submit a production schedule, the coordinator of the relevant balancing group shall draw one up on its behalf. Producers shall be balanced and pay for the imbalances caused to the system, which the coordinator has calculated, according to the methodology approved by EWRC for allocation of the imbalances between the members of the balancing group.
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