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Become a customer

Would you like to take advantage of the comfort of district heating and reduce air pollution in Plovdiv?
Contact us on 0700 1 7898
A team coordinator will explain the options to you.

Save time with EVN Online plus

Pay your bills for district heating securely and without additional charges via EVN Online plus. Simply register for access to your consumption and billing history. Visa and MasterCard are accepted.

All payment methods

EVN Online plus

Secure payment, free of charge, directly via our website. Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club and Discover are accepted.

to EVN O+

Direct Debit

Fill in a direct debit authorisation from your bank and submit it at an EVN office or email it to
[email protected].


See your bank’s method for online utility bill payment or make a transfer to an EVN bank account using the IBAN from your bill

EVN bank accounts

To use this payment method, you need to register at

See more


You can pay via ATM with a bank card

See how

Bulgarian Post Offices

You can make a payment at Bulgarian post offices that cooperate with EVN Bulgaria.

See more


At the offices of EasyPay throughout Bulgaria.

See where

Cash Terminal

You can pay via any Cash Terminal in Bulgaria

See where


To use this payment method, you need to register at

See more

Payment via Bulgarian post offices

Addresses of post offices in the districts of Burgas, Kardzhali, Sliven, Smolyan, Stara Zagora, Pazardzhik, Plovdiv, Haskovo and Yambol are available here.

In Sofia you can pay at the following post offices:

Address Opening hours*
Ul. Gen. Yosif V. Gurko, 6
Monday - Saturday 07:30 - 19:00
Sunday 08:00 - 13:00
Bul. Tsarigradsko shose, 85, block 109
Monday – Friday 07:00 – 19:00
Saturday 07:00 – 13:00
Bul. Dragan Tsankov, 31a
Monday – Friday 07:00 – 19:00
Saturday 07:00 – 13:00
Bul. Slivnitsa, 172
Monday – Friday 07:00 – 19:00
Saturday 07:00 – 13:00
Bul. Totleben, 8
Monday – Friday 07:00 – 19:00
Saturday 07:00 – 13:00

*The above opening hours are according to information from Bulgarian Posts EAD.

How to read your bill?


View an example PDF document to see what information is included on your heating bill.

Sample bill for residential district heating


Heat energy prices

Type of heat energy from EVN Toplofikatsia BGN/MWh
One component price of hot water borne heating
One component price of hot water borne heating for suppliers under Art. 149a of the EA
One component price of hot water borne heating for associations under Art. 151, para. 1 of the EA
Feed-in tariff for electricity produced from cogeneration

The prices are excluding VAT and excise duty, according to EWRC's Decision No. C-2 / 01.01.2025.
You can see a  table of the services and prices of the heat accounting companies with which EVN Toplofikatsia has contracts here.


Scheduled interruptions and breakdowns

Information about switching off the heating supply to customers due to breakdowns or planned maintenance of the heat transfer installations is available on 0700 1 7898.

Frequently asked questions

How can I check my monthly bill?

All residential customers of EVN Toplofikatsia can check their monthly bill in any of the following ways:

  • via EVN Online plus, after signing up (link). The information on EVN Online plus is available at the latest by the 15th day of the month. You can also pay bills here;
  • by automated check on 0700 10 207 (after entering MPN).

What is a balancing invoice (bill) and can it be contested?

A balancing invoice shall be issued where there is no actual reading each month but a quantity of heating is charged in terms of expected or equal monthly instalments. Such invoices are issued at the beginning and end of the heating season on the basis of a real meter reading. Your heating accountant performs the meter reading. For this purpose, it is necessary to read all heating cost allocation devices in the building.
In the event of disagreement with the balancing volume measured by your heating accountant, you can object within 30 days of receipt of the closure account (Art. 30, para. 1 of GTCs). This can be done by raising an objection with your heating accountant or EVN Toplofikatsia. After EVN Toplofikatsia has issued your closure account, an invoice cannot be contested.
A closure account shall also be issued in cases where there are unread monthly meter readings of heating cost allocation devices. Therefore, we recommend that you switch to remote sensing.

If I don’t use Toplofikatsia's heating services, why do I pay for the building system?

In the case of a condominium building which is fully district heated, each apartment is not heated separately. The Energy Act states that all owners and holders of a right in rem in a condominium building, which is connected to a heating substation or to its stand-alone branch, are consumers of heat and the costs of heating the common parts and heat losses are shared.
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Contact us

0700 1 7777

Electricity and services
Monday - Friday from 8:00 to 17:00

0700 1 0007

For power cuts in Southeast Bulgaria
24/7, including public holidays

0700 1 0207

Automated bill checking
24/7, including public holidays

0700 1 7898

Heating and services
24/7, including public holidays